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Involvement Fair offers opportunities for students to succeed on-campus

In the four or more years that many of us will spend at this University, or in any university for that matter, we will continuously be given advice. This advice will come from our families, friends, professors and from people from all different walks of life. We will be told to make friends, to study hard, and almost always, most importantly, be told to get involved.


Finding my niche: Something for everyone at the Involvement Fair

When I began my career at Seton Hall three long years ago, all of my professors, and the upperclassmen I met kept stressing the importance of getting involved on-campus. As a semi-confused journalism major not knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my eventual degree, I took the advice and promised myself that I would hit the ground running when the opportunity presented itself.


Extracirricular activities central to making memories in college

As syllabus week ends and the real work begins, many students may find themselves surrendering to the monotony: go to class, do your homework, cram for the midterm, try to complete all the readings and finish the paper at the last minute. School is hard, sometimes tedious, and does not always leave space for a student to put forth a personal, creative effort. But let's face it: when looking back on your four (or more) years in college, will you remember every single class, or the memories you made when you were showing SHU the real you?

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