Returning to campus after three luxurious weeks at home can be a daunting task for some students, but an exciting new horizon for others. Between spending time with family and reuniting with friends, winter break serves as a refresher before the rigors of the spring semester pick up. Here is a list of the top ten things every student misses after going back to school:
- The food at home: Despite your most valiant efforts at making an omelet and the Wok It Up stations in the cafeteria, nothing beats the smell and taste of homemade food that you can stuff your face with during break.
- Your best friends: The people who you bond with at school are great, but they won’t replace reminiscing with the friends who you have spent years with because they know every detail about your past so talking to them comes naturally.
- Free laundry: It is amazing how suddenly once you return from break, you have to pay a machine to clean your clothes! No more “throwing your clothes in the family hamper” either.
- No early morning alarms: With no classes and virtually no other obligations, who even needs to wake up before noon? Yet, once classes start again, there will be a dozen alarms set on your phone.
- Free time: This is one of the best gifts that could be given to a student. The free time during break could have been spent watching Netflix because you no longer have to schedule in “me time.” However, a great deal of this leisure time will disappear once the semester begins.
- Your own bathroom: You haven’t had to share a bathroom with a roommate, suitemate, or entire dorm floor since you left in December! Dust off those shower shoes upon your return.
- The space in your own shower: The freedom of being able to fully move every limb on your body has been a privilege since you’ve reintroduced yourself to the home shower. Somehow the small showers in the dorms don’t do justice in comparison.
- Your car: This may be one of the most painful goodbyes for some students. The liberty to hop in your own vehicle and embark on a new adventure is a desire that Uber cannot fulfill. Soon, you will soon realize why students walking outside have on so many layers especially if they have to walk to their off-campus housing.
- Your pets: This one is a heartbreaker. During winter break, your pets have realized just how much they missed and loved you, and now you are about to leave them again. They will no longer be there to cuddle with especially on those cold wintry days.
- Finally, most importantly, your family members: These are the people who love you and have been cherishing these past few weeks with you.